
So let’s talk about cucumbers today. 🥒

The cucumbers are loving this heat! ☀️ And because of that, they are growing fast! There are even some blossoms and runners already.

We have planted FOUR ACRES of no spray cucumbers that are coming on strong and will be producing thousands and thousands (and thousands) of pounds of cucumbers.

This is us reminding you to make sure you are ready for your cucumbers.

Here are some tips/reminders:

•Know your cucumber order number ✅
•Don’t know your number? Go to
•Search for your name in the search field ✅
•Make sure our emails to you do not go to your spam folder ✅
•Be ready! Have your jars and lids now ✅
•We will have fresh garlic and dill to purchase in our store
•Follow our social media and website (news section) for the most up-to-date information regarding cucumbers
•Not on the cucumber list? Click on the link below to sign up. ✅

‼️While we try to accommodate special requests, one thing we do not have control over is how long we have cucumbers, when they will start, how long we will have them, etc., so special requested dates specifically dates early in the season or late in the season are not guaranteed. PLEASE have a backup plan.‼️

Additional questions? Or if you want to get on the list. Please refer to the order form on our website at:

Also, please refrain from calling the store with cucumber questions. All questions can be answered by looking at the form online or by email. Thanks!

Pickling season is almost here! 😉