Flower Upick is open!
$30 per bucket OR $1.50/stem if you don’t want to pick a whole bucket.
Upick hours follow store hours. Call store at 360-380-2699 if it’s raining to see if it is open or not before coming out!
– If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms of illness please come back another time when you are healthy
– Hands must be properly and thoroughly washed before picking
– Please keep your children with you at all times
– No shoes, no shirt, NO SERVICE.
– There is no smoking permitted at our farm
– No eating or drinking in the U-Pick fields; eating is permitted in designated areas only
– Pets are not allowed anywhere on our farm. Please leave your animals at home
– Please remain in designated picking rows. Please be mindful of where you walk— our crops can be damaged by foot traffic
– Please touch only the berries you plan to pick, and please purchase any and all berries you pick
– Dispose of garbage in the specified trash receptacles
We reserve the right to refuse service at anytime for any reason above not being followed.