Opening day for marking dahlias at Boxx Berry Farm will be Tuesday September 15th and will end Friday September 25! Hours will be 10-4 only.
Do not miss your chance! We are offering this opportunity for 10 days only.
• Park in our store parking lot
• Go to the gazebo on the north side of our store (next to playground)
• You will find pink and orange tape. yellow and white tape is for Boxx Only markings of dahlias.
• Tear a piece of the tape to the length we have as an example in the gazebo
• With a permanent marker, write your name and phone number on as many dahlia plants you would like to purchase.
• When you go out to the field with your colored tape, you will tie these around the very bottom of the plant. Do not tie anywhere else. We are still cutting flowers from these plants.
Important – Make sure you are not putting your tape on a plant that has tape on it already. Walk around the plant you are looking at. Someone may have already tagged the one you want. Most likely there will be a few out there of that variety. However, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE
We highly recommend, after marking the plant you want, to take a picture of it, as well as a wide shot picture for you to remember where your plant is.
Payment is due at time of marking your dahlias.
Please pay in the store as you will only be marking dahlias during business hours of 10AM-4PM.
In the store, you will write your name in a book with how many plants you have marked, along with your name and phone number.
Costs this year are:
$15 for regular size dahlias
$20 for dinner plate size
If you dig correctly, you will get anywhere from 5-15 tubers per plant. 🌸
If you have any questions, please ask flower staff working on side of our store, or please ask staff in the store.
Once we have our first frost, we will post on social media for you to come dig your dahlias. This can range any time from beginning to mid October.
DO NOT DELAY in coming to dig your plants when we announce it! We will also attempt to contact you, but we will not save your plant(s) for you. The fields will be rototilled.